Friday, 25 January 2013

Widower curry news


After a Frenzy of customers coming to try the widower from all over the country a 2nd person has now Completed the Widower his name is Nick Martin former British Armed Forces from Peterbrough.

We can't believe it

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Widower curry sauce in a jar

sauce labelDue to high demand bindi restaurant is making the Widower curry into a ready made sauce with all the fire to make you glow , we are trapping all the flavours and heat into a jar ready for you to mix into your chicken / lamb dish . Email for sales inquiries of contact the restaurant for further details .

The Widower Logo


Sunday, 13 January 2013

Widower(tm) curry is a trade Mark

Official notification
The Widower(tm) curry created by Muhammed Karim in 2010 and Bindi restaurant in Grantham is a name that has been seen and associated with Bindi restaurant Grantham in the Uk and Worldwide through numerous press and television media company's (January2013) and is NOT authorised to be used in any restaurant/ commercial foods/private food sectors locally/Nationally / world wide without first getting permission from Muhammed Karim .


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Doctor ate my worlds hottest curry the widower recipe

a recipe for the Infamous Widower with a few spices missed out to protect our secret Ingredients but we are sure you can improvise for taste and that extra heat.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Home of the Widower

Bindi restaurants cooks up a whopping hot curry nearly topping 6 million scovilles and it actually is consumed by Ian Rothwell with huge publicity from National news media groups The WIDOWER (tm) goes global follow us on twitter @bindirestaurant or like us on bindi Grantham Facebook
Congratulations to the Legend Ian Rothwell first man to have gone and done something no one has done before
Muhammed Karim

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Man completes Worlds Hottest curry

2013 took a new turn at Bindi Chilli head Ian Rothwell from Sudbrooke in Lincolnshire Completed the WIDOWER in a cool and collective manner This curry complete with Chilli extrats hits a whopping 6 Million scovilles .Not only has Ian Rothwell become a legend But has Earned his place in the Hall of Fame at Bindi restaurant and also proved it is possible to complete something that was that to be Impossible.