Monday, 24 June 2013

worlds hottest poppadoms

hmm..... we wonder what we should call our worlds hottest poppadoms how about AAGNE POPS AKA FIREY POPS
these will have to grilled rather than fried , similar to masala poppadoms

Worlds hottest popadoms

we are in the process of making the worlds hottest poppadom to compliment you pickle .

Worlds hottest curry

"Many a person will imitate this curry but NON will replicate it" quote from Muhammed Karim Viva la Widower curry....

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Premier Inn Grantham

we are giving a 10% discount to all premier inn clients at our restaurant dining in only, Al a carte menu only.

Ramada Hotel Grantham

if you're staying at the Ramada hotel in grantham pop down to bindi and have a great meal and we will give you a 10% discount of your bill when dining in the restaurant Al a carte menu only

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Friday, 7 June 2013

Armed Forces Discount Grantham

We are proud to give our a forces Discount to all sectors as a sign of appreciation to the dedication the Men & Women show out there.10% when dining in or Having a Takeaway.

lincolnshire shows/ Waddington air shows

Our restaurant is in grantham if youre coming from the South of the country were off the A1. make bindi your destination point for a relaxed meal with the Family . open evenings only

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Hotels near bindi grantham

we are approximately a 10 minutes drive from te Majority of the hotels and also provide parking

Woodys at Ancaster

Looking for a Indian curry we are only 15 minutes away in grantham pop along and enjoy a great curry in a relaxed enviroment.

Close to Ancaster Go karting

we are 10 minutes away from Ancaster Go karting pop down for relaxed Indian meal once you have used up all your adrenaline .

Asian Event caterers

Bindi restaurant has cooked for many events if you think we can be of service to you and you are looking for somthing just that bit more special give us a call on 01476 570777 or email us at

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Best restaurant in Grantham

Places to eat in Grantham

Bindi has always been the place to eat , Fresh authentic Indian cuisine at its Best,

British Forces Discount Member

W are proud to be part of the British Forces Discount Scheme.
forces discount

Forces Discount

10% Discount to all our service men & women for all they do and a special thank you from the Bindi team.

forces discount

best Indian near sleaford/Cranwell

forces discountMany a customer swears the best curry is found at Bindi Grantham situated near sleaford and Cranwell

Nepalese food

having tried the Nepalese food in and around grantham I still cannot understand the concept why they call it Indian food!!!!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

diverse Menu

we sell Lamb- chicken- beef -horse- fish- kingprawns-vegetarians

Were near Raf Cranwell

if youre staying at Raf Cranwell were only 20 minutes away in grantham for great indian food Bindi is a must.

forces discount

Monday, 27 May 2013

Best indian food near a golf course

Enjoy a curry at the world famous bindi restaurant 3.5 miles from Beltonwoods hotel & Golf course.

Best Indian food near Belton woods

Taste card Grantham

Use your taste card at bindi restaurant grantham

bindi authentic indian food

True Indian cooking at its best

lee wrigby dedicated chutney

We relaunch our chutney for heroes Unofficial dedicated to lee rigby who was brutally murderedc4

Most reviewed Indian restaurant in lincolnshire

We are proud that not only do our customers tell us how good our food is but they also tell the World
Thank you all for taking the time do this for us .

Muhammed karim

curry in grantham

The only place for a curry in grantham is bindi restaurant Multi award winning restaurant on London road voted best in the East midlands. Best in lincolnshire also ranked in the top 100 ,Great food at reasonable prices.

Eat in Grantham

World famous bindi restaurant caters for all your needs why go else where when you can dine at one of the best Indian restaurants in the Uk based in Grantham

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Chutney for Heroes (tm) Lee Rigby

After careful thought we are dedicating our Chutney for heroes to Lee Rigby.A fallen Hero to a Muderous act lee rigby

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Bindi online facebook shop

bindi restaurant has started selling its own product online just join us on facebook and start shopping

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Fifty shades of spices


Love to create 50 shades of different new curries where do I start.

Monday, 29 April 2013

5th Man Completes the Widowercurry

Mark frost become the 5th man to complete the Widower and also the "Youngest"mark frost 5th man

Friday, 12 April 2013

Top Indian in grantham

welcome to bindi restaurant grantham and lincolnshires top indian restaurantIMAG0003-1

Magaret Thatcher Grantham

Bindi restaurant is proud to have an association in grantham birth place of the iron lady Magaret thatcherMAGGIE

Magaret thatcher & Widower curry

Two most famous products to come from Grantham lincolnshire UK
MAGGIEclass="aligncenter size-full wp-image-914" />

Iron lady curry

Bindi has created the world famous Widower curry and is proud to be in the same town as Magaret Thatcher was born who possibly could have tamed this curry .......

Eat in Grantham

Where better to dine than in the World famous bindi Indian restaurant Authentic food for all palates created by Executive head chef Muhammed Karim a Pinoeer to diverify Indianbindique 382

world famous restaurants

curry doc

test tube spice rack


Monday, 1 April 2013

Horse Tandoori (tm) picture

UK Indian restaurant is the first to sell horse meat and proving to be a major success



Created by Muhammed Karim

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Britains first Indian restaurant to sell horse Meat


Bindi sells out of Horse Meat in 48 hours


Bindi restaurant sells out of it horse steaks called Le Cheval Tandoori within 48 hours .

there see be a willingness for Customers to try something different specially after all the publicity about horse meat.

Bindi restaurant is happy to put horse onto its menu and is probably the First Indian restaurant in the UK to do so.

Bindi restaurant sells out of Horse steak in 24 hours

Monday, 25 March 2013

Horse Tandoori (tm)

Bindi launches possibly the uks first horse meat in an Indian restaurant using  Le cheval Tandoori (tm) and Horse Tandoori (tm) Created by Muhammed Karim 26th March 2013


#horse tandoori

cheval tandoori(tm) its on its way

Cheval Tandoori Uks First Indian restaurant to sell horse



Its here guys Horse meat goes on Bindi Menucheval3

Saturday, 23 March 2013

First Indian restaurant to sell horse meat on the menu

We are proud to take this bold step based on customers surveys showing there is a big demand for horse meat as the big debate goes on in the UK.


Indian Horse

horse on the Menu@ bindi restaurant please inquire.

Indian restaurant sells horse meat

bindi restaurant is boldly taking the steps and is selling horse meat after a customer survey on face book with an overwhelming majority will to give it a try

First Indian to sell Horse Meat

Bindi restaurant braves the way on adding horse meat to its menu ,may sound controversial but were eating it anyway unknowingly and it's supposed to be sweet like venison and softer than Beef .

First Indian restaurant to try Horse officially

after a customer survey we have decided to try an additional meat on the menu as a trial only currently with all the fuss about horse meat and that we are all ready consuming this meat without our knowledge. And the fact that it's got a sweet tender soft meat and as a chef very Interested in trying a new product.
Some may have Sentimental issues about eating horse meat which we understand and it's a meat that even we at first would have issues about trying,but our neighbours in Europe having been eating this for Hundreds of years . As we travel around the world on business and holidaying we would have sampled this as a local delicacy .So here's your chance to try this at grantham Lincolnshire.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Horse Tikka (At Bindi)

BIndi restaurant has found a gap in the Market and with all the news in the Media about us eating horse , Then why not make it Official and sell horse as it's meant have a sweet texture like venison and is meant to be softer than beef .it's sold all over Europe and now at granthams favourite Indian restaurant .

Sunday, 17 March 2013

spice in a tube

why buy lots of spices to make a curry when you can buy bindi wacky food& sauce product of all your spice mixed and put into a test tube ,one tst tube =1 curry so why have 5 jars going to wasteimage

Hottest curry on the planet,d.d2k

Hottest curry in the Universe

widower curry

Created by a Bangladeshi Chef with Nagas that Originated from Bangladesh/India . then found there way to the West cultivated and grown in grantham then gone back to its roots.

Worlds Hottest Curry

the worlds hottest curry was original created by Muhammed Karim of Bindi restaurant Grantham Lincolnshire for Fire Foods
Nick woods who grew the Infamous Infinty Chilli , Muhammed secret spice mix was used to make a curry full of flavor and fire

Green Sauces ( LIME & KICKIN)

imageits sad when you talk to people about your Ideas and they say thats not a good Idea then STEAL it the original Lime and Kickin was first sold in 1993

personalize your chutney


mango chutney with a logo to match your loving Hero Mother/Gran/Soldier friend /Family Member

badboy from firefoods

Spice TUBE


Spice in a tube


creator of the badboy sauce


creator of LIME &KICKIN


hottest curry in lincolnshire

widower curry

hottest curry in the uk

widower curry

creator of the Widower

bindique 382

Widower 6.4 million shu

widower curry

hot sauce in a jar

new jar